Unit Class Work

Here are the assingments for this unit!

Unit Defined: 

The mistreatment and unfair judgement of women in the Medieval times as compared to men in British Literature.  

Unit Goals:

  • Use the texts provided in this class to support the claim that misogyny was present in early British Literature because women were punished horribly for crimes that men would commit. 
  • Use the texts provided in this class to support the claim that misogyny was present in early British Literature because women were used as objects or pawns that could be disposed of. 


British Literature and Misogyny 

11/10/20 11/12/20 11/16/20 11/18/20 11/20/20 11/22/20 11/24/20
Read Marie De France Milun  Read The Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare Read a section from Queen Elizabeth's speech to troops  Read The Description of a Woman's Age by Thomas Tusser Read To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick Read The Winter's Tale  Read Galatea by John Lyly 
Answer the assessment questions on the document in the assignment tab. Then, write your own poem from the point of view of the female character. Create a visual presentation that shows all of the misogynystic traits in this text. (powerpoint, prezi, art, 3D models created by you, etc.) Answer the questions for this assignment on the document provided on the assignment tab. Then, write your own version of a speech to troops using the same techniques Elizabeth did of comparing herself to men Complete the assertion chart under the assignments tab  Using the document under the assignments tab, write a short essay over the given prompt using details from the text.   Create a journal entry using the sheet under the assignments tab from the point of view of Hermione.  Create a visual representation of the daughters in their "male" forms. Then, answer the questions on the same document under the assignments tab.